When you find out how many areas of the body CoolSculpting can treat, it might be hard to pick just one for your first treatment. CoolSculpting even treats areas that you might not have even known what to call before, like: saddle bags, muffin top...
by Bharat Kothakota , MD MPH
When you find out how many areas of the body CoolSculpting can treat, it might be hard to pick just one for your first treatment. CoolSculpting even treats areas that you might not have even known what to call before, like: saddle bags, muffin top, banana roll and wings. In each area, it freezes fat cells to kill them, then your body slowly sheds the fat cells over time; leaving you with a slimmer body. But even though it always works like this to lose fat, the best areas for CoolSculpting on everyone's body is different.
The CoolSculpting procedure is popular and FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in several areas of the body, like the abdomen, flank, thighs, and chin area, underneath the buttocks, upper arm, and back areas.
A good place to start is to ask yourself what is your area of most concern. Think about which place you always stare at a little longer in the mirror, but not in a good way.
There are some areas that can respond better to CoolSculpting than others, but it completely depends on your own body. What works for you might not always work for someone else, and vice versa.
Only a CoolSculpting specialist can give you proper advice about your personalized approach to CoolSculpting with your specific body in mind. At Self Care LA in Santa Monica, we are fat freezing specialists and offer the best CoolSculpting pricing packages. But, here are some general guidelines on how to tell what the best areas for CoolSculpting are for you.
There are two kinds of fat tissue: the fat that is closer to the surface of your skin responds really well to CoolSculpting while the denser fat that is deeper in the body can't be reached with the procedure.
You can identify this surface fat because it is less dense and can usually be pinched between your fingers. This fat is the perfect kind for CoolSculpting to get rid of.
So if the area you want to treat is easily pinch-able, it is likely a good area for CoolSculpting. Fortunately, many of the common stubborn areas of fat are of this type of tissue that CoolSculpting can easily treat.
Here's a deeper look at how CoolSculpting works to transform these common areas.
Flanks: Bulges at your sides or "love handles" respond incredibly well to CoolSculpting, even when weight loss hasn't seemed to shrink them. Your pants will fit better, and you'll feel more confident in slimmer shirts, not needing to hide your sides any longer.
Abdomen: With fat loss, flat stomachs and abs are what most of us have our eyes on; but this is one of the most common places the body stores fat, so it can be very hard to reach this area with diet and exercise. Fortunately, CoolSculpting can reach this stubborn fat and freeze it away without any invasive methods. This is probably the most common area patients want done. The results are good proof as to why.
Thighs: Thigh fat can feel particularly stubborn and no amount of squats alone will get rid of it. CoolSculpting is an option for the inner and outer thigh areas, even though they're usually very different. The skin on the inner thighs is usually easier to pinch and to feel surface fat. Someone's outer thighs are usually a bit different, though they can still be treated. Many people don't have the same skin laxity in that area to be able to pinch it. However, "saddle bags" or fat on the outer thighs are still usually made us of the right tissue to be able to treat with CoolSculpting.
Double chin: Fat under the chin has shown excellent results post-treatment. Many people might have a genetic predisposition to store fat under their chin more than others. Unfortunately, any chin exercises you read about won't do a thing to get rid of your double-chin. The good news is that there is a mini CoolSculpting applicator specially designed to treat the chin area. It might sound intimidating to get any kind of procedure done so close to a sensitive area like your throat, but there is actually a pad of fat just underneath the chin that CoolSculpting can target very precisely and safely.
Upper Arms: If you are concerned about your "wings", it really depends on what they look like to know if they would be treatable with CoolSculpting. If excess sagging skin is the cause of some underarm jiggle, it most likely isn't fatty tissue that the procedure can treat. Rather, areas where the fat being treated is fluffier and lumpier around the upper arms is where CoolSculpting gives great results. With fat loss in this area, you can feel great going sleeveless.
Underneath the buttocks: The pouches of fat underneath the buttocks, sometimes called "banana rolls", are effectively treated with CoolSculpting. The results will smooth out this area to be slimmer and more contoured to follow the rest of the area of your leg under the buttocks.
Back fat: Coolsculpting is very effective for treating fat on certain areas of the back. The most commonly treated areas are the areas of the lower back that extend from the love handles, and the mid back fat on the sides and "bra bulge" fat under the bra line. The tissues here respond great after CoolSculpting. These are also great locations to have DualSculpting done, where two machines treat 2 areas (each side) at the same time, reducing treatment time by half.
To learn more about fat removal treatment, visit CoolSculpting.com.
At Self Care LA in Santa Monica, we carry the full range of different CoolSculpting applicators specially designed to target specific areas of the body while catering to different body shapes. We also have two machines allowing us to DualSculpt. To see the transformative before and after results of CoolSculpting on each of these areas, visit our fat loss gallery. Then, contact us to schedule your consolation to talk about how what kind of results CoolSculpting can give you on your body. Our doctors are highly trained to help you achieve your body goals with CoolSculpting on the best areas for your individual body.
Next, read about the Amount of Time Between CoolSculpting Treatments.
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