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Botox: How many units of botox do I need?

Santa Monica, CA Medspa Model

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Where do units come from
  • Factors affecting units
  • How are units determined
  • How often should you have Botox
  • Cost of Botox
  • Benefits of Botox
  • Risks of Botox
  • Conclusion


Botox is a popular treatment for people who want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. But what exactly is botox, and how does it work? Botox works by blocking nerve signals that cause muscles to contract. By relaxing these muscles, a person can experience less wrinkling on their face.

Where does the number of units come from?

The number of units you will need for treatment is based on the area treated, the severity of your wrinkles and the type of wrinkles. In other words, it's not as simple as "one unit per area." The formula used to determine how many units you need is called a "crease factor." Three main factors go into calculating the crease factor:

  • Age
  • Skin type (dryness/oiliness)
  • Wrinkle depth

How to Calculate the Crease Factor: The first step in calculating the number of units you need for treatment is determining your skin type. This will help determine how many units are required for each treatment area.

What factors affect the number of botox units a patient might need?

The number of units you will need will vary depending on many factors, including:

  • The size of your treatment area. A wrinkled forehead is a larger surface area than a creased neck.
  • The amount of muscle movement in the area being treated. The more a muscle moves, the more it needs to be relaxed by botox.
  • How many units you've had in previous treatments (and at what intervals)? As your muscles get used to botox injections over time, they may require fewer injections per treatment session—or even no injections!

If you're trying out Botox for the first time or if this is a significant event like your wedding day or meeting Beyoncé backstage at Coachella (for real), ask your injector how much Botox they recommend based on their experience and research with other patients who have been through similar events before!

How does your injector determine the number?

Several factors determine the number of units used. First, the injector will assess your face and neck and ask about your skin type (oily, dry, normal). After this, they'll decide on the number of units to use based on these factors.

The best way to determine how many units you need is through trial and error. You might have heard that there's no good way to tell how long botox lasts or what dosage works best for you—and while this is true in some cases, there are some general guidelines that can help point you in the right direction.

Santa Monica, CA Medspa Model

How often should you have botox done?

If you want a long-term result, you should have it done every 3-4 months. How often you should have botox done depends on your skin type and how much you want to reduce wrinkles.

If your skin is dryer, you should get treatment once every six months. If you have oily skin, you can try having botox done every four months.

How much does it cost to get botox?

The cost of Botox depends on the area being treated and how many units are used. A typical session with a doctor will cost anywhere from $300 to $1,000 per area treated, though this varies by region. If you're getting Botox at a pharmacy or spa that isn't affiliated with your doctor's office, ask them to give you their price list to compare prices between different providers.

The price tag may seem high, but it's well worth it! The average number of units needed for full face treatment is 20, which breaks down to about $200 per unit if you get it done at a doctor's office (compared with about $230 if you get it done elsewhere).

Santa Monica, CA Medspa Model

What are the benefits of Botox?

Botox has been used for several years to treat a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Facial wrinkles
  • Migraines or chronic headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Muscle spasms, including those associated with migraine headaches and tension-type headaches

What are the risks of botox?

As with any medical procedure, there are risks associated with Botox. The most common side effects of botulinum toxin injections include the following:

  • Allergic reactions. Rarely will patients have an allergic reaction to the botulinum toxin injected into their face or body. This can cause hives, itching and swelling around the area where you received treatment. If you suspect you might be allergic to your medicine, seek medical attention immediately from a doctor or nurse who has experience treating it.
  • Bacterial infections (rare). Suppose bacteria enter through a needle hole in your muscle tissue during the injection. In that case, it can lead to a bacterial infection—usually on only one side of your face (the opposite side from where you got your injection). This can cause redness and swelling around that area and pain and fever lasting up to two weeks after treatment.
  • Bruising (rare). Bruising is possible when injected into specific areas of your face, such as around the eyes and nose; however, this is typically mild and goes away within days after treatment without any further intervention needed by yourself or our staff members.

Botox is a great way to keep wrinkles at bay and can offer numerous other benefits.

Botox is an injectable treatment meant to diminish wrinkles' appearance, but it can offer much more than that. Botox can help with what's called myofascial pain syndrome, which is a chronic pain condition caused by muscle contractions or spasms. It also helps people with chronic headaches, migraines, and neck pain. And botox can be used to treat certain eye conditions, such as lazy or crossed eyes (strabismus). Another use for botox is treating TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) because it relaxes muscles in the jaw, which causes grinding teeth and clenching jaws, both of which are symptoms associated with this condition. So if you're experiencing any of these issues or wondering how much botox you need for your specific needs, then contact us today!


As we’ve seen, the number of botox units a patient needs depends on many factors. Your injector will work with you to determine the right amount of botox for your needs. The best way to find out how much Botox is right for you is by scheduling a consultation with an expert in this field.

Is botox right for me?

To learn more about Botox and to find out if it is right for you, please consult our board-certified specialists at Self Care LA.

As the leading boutique aesthetic spa & body contouring specialist located in Santa Monica, CA, we have a team of highly trained, certified, and skilled aestheticians and doctors.

We will work with you to customise a Botox treatment plan to give you the best results possible.

Contact Self Care LA today at (323) 337-3445 or click here to schedule a consultation.

About Us

Self Care LA is an aesthetics and injectables practice offering the latest cosmetic treatments in Santa Monica, California. Led by board-certified physician Bharat Kothakota, MD, MPH, the course sees men and women for cosmetic goals related to their faces and bodies.

Self Care LA offers high-end cosmetic injectables such as Botox® and fillers and several types of microneedling to boost collagen production. Along with SkinPen®, patients can choose Morpheus8 radiofrequency microneedling or microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP hair restoration treatments are also available at Self Care LA.

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Ready to offer your skin a second chance? Our aesthetic specialists have years of experience delivering stunning outcomes. Schedule your consultation in Santa Monica today. We can’t wait to treat you to the self-care you deserve.

1426 Montana Avenue, Suite 2, Santa Monica, CA 90403

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